Evaluating the Risks of Bloodborne Pathogens -Percutaneous injuries continue to be a major concern in the healthcare environment where employees are exposed to bloodborne pathogens (BBPs). Needlestick injuries (NSIs) resulting in exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials pose a serious risk to healthcare workers. These injuries may result in the transmission of bloodborne infections. This program will provide the learner with an understanding of the epidemiology of NSIs and the transmission of BBP infections.
Discuss the epidemiology of needlestick injuries and the transmission of bloodborne infections.
Identify the devices associated with needlestick injuries, which involve the greatest risk of transmitting a bloodborne infection.
Describe the recommended time interval for initiating post exposure chemoprophylaxisis.
1.0 Free CEUs for Respiratory Therapists
Sponsored by Smiths Medical ASD
Expires 12/31/13