Welcome! Click course links to visit site sponsoring free Respiratory therapy CME class. All courses are FREE & approved for CRCE contact hours required for RT license renewal in most states. Posts are current and include expiration dates if applicable.

Free Sleep CEU- Latest Advances in Dx & Management of Sleep Apnea

Sleep Medicine: Latest Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment-
Discuss the latest advances in diagnosis of sleep disorder and the indications and applications of home sleep testing.
Describe the indications and applications of treatment of sleep apnea.
Explain the indications and applications of certain drugs in sleep medicine.
1.0 Free CEUs for Sleep Techs
Expires 1/24/14
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Actelion, Boehringer Ingelheim, CSL Behring, Gilead Sciences, Inc., and United Therapeutics provided commercial support for this enduring activity.