Waste Anesthetic Gases (WAGs) among Employees in the Healthcare Industry- The scavenging of waste anesthetic gases (WAGs) is recommended by every professional organization and government agency involved with anesthesia to reduce occupational exposure to health care personnel. WAGs in health care environments have been associated with adverse health outcomes in unscavenged situations. Recent advances in infrared (IR) videography technology have made it possible to visualize nitrous oxide leakage. Because these leak sources can be readily identified from infrared imaging, the WAGs can be more easily controlled through the elimination of leaks, especially to scavenging systems, so that occupational exposures to personnel in the PACU are decreased presents a brief overview of WAGs in the healthcare industry, with a focus on healthcare personnel in the PACU. Recent exposure and risk assessment studies using IR thermography cameras and IR sensors to identify and quantify WAG (i.e., N20) exposures among PACU employees are pointing toward an unidentified and relatively new health exposure concern for these employees.
2.0 Free CEUs for Respiratory Therapists
Expires 9/18/14
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