Fighting VAP one step at a time: Early mobility for the ventilated patient/Tracheostomy: Do we need to be concerned about the complications?- With the introduction of VAP prevention bundles by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), critical care units have reported dramatic reductions in VAP rates. In her article, Ms. Andrews reviews the evidence supporting or questioning recommendations for VAP prevention and explores the evidence-based practices beyond the basic bundle including early tracheostomy and early mobility.
Since its inception, tracheostomy has become one of the more frequently performed procedures in ICU care. It has been estimated that 15-20% of ICU patients undergo tracheostomy at some point during their clinical course. Tracheostomy offers several important advantages over endotracheal intubation. Over the years many technological advances have occurred both in terms of the procedure and the tracheostomy tube technology. In his article, Mr. Davies describes the types and incidences of complications in light of today’s technology and population distributions.
Compare the evidence supporting the bundle elements recommended for reducing VAP in the ICU patient.
Describe the modalities referred to as early mobilization.
Discuss early versus late complications.
Describe methods to secure a tracheostomy tube.
Discuss how morbid obesity increases the risk of accidental cannulation.
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