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Exercise-Induced Asthma

EIAExercise-Induced Asthma: Treatment and Management- Exercise-induced asthma (EIA), also known as exercise induced bronchoconstriction, is a disorder in which respiratory distress is associated with histamine release. The disorder is often triggered by some form of aerobic exercise and may last anywhere from two to 10 minutes. Symptoms of EIA may resemble those of an allergic asthmatic attack or the symptoms may be vague and go unnoticed. The ideal treatment for EIA is prevention. The primary treatment is with the use of a short- or rapid-acting inhaled beta2-agonist administered 15 to 30 minutes prior to the exercise. With proper treatment and awareness, the prognosis is good for most people who exercise. If adequate treatment is undertaken, there should be no reason why performance on the field should be limited.
Identify the risk factors for EIA and its clinical presentation.
Discuss medications, types of exercise and environmental factors associated with EIA.
List the different classes of drugs and their characteristicsused to treat patients with EIA

1.0  Free CEUs for Respiratory Therapists

Free until 4/18/16
Gannett Education 