Welcome! Click course links to visit site sponsoring free Respiratory therapy CME class. All courses are FREE & approved for CRCE contact hours required for RT license renewal in most states. Posts are current and include expiration dates if applicable.

7 Free CEUs- Asthma Management Program

asthmaAsthma Management Program- Facts about Asthma. Myths about Asthma. Assessment and Monitoring. Diagnosis and Severity of Asthma. Measurement of Lung Function Control of Environmental Factors. Environmental Allergens. Irritants and other factors. Pharmacologic Management, Pathophysiology. Bronchodialator medication. Anti-inflammatory medication. Patient Education. Partnership with the patient. Inhaler and Peak Flow Meter technique.

7.0 Free CEUs for Respiratory Therapists

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA)