Welcome! Click course links to visit site sponsoring free Respiratory therapy CME class. All courses are FREE & approved for CRCE contact hours required for RT license renewal in most states. Posts are current and include expiration dates if applicable.

Evidence-based Practices: A Roadmap to Preventing HAP & VAP

NPWTRoadmap to HAP & VAP: Neglecting Oral Care- Discuss prevalence and consequences of Hospital Acquired Pneumonia & Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (HAP & VAP). Describe how the mouths of critically ill patients undergo radical changes to become reservoirs of pathogens. Identify the means by which poor oral care in the ICU can result in complications including pneumonia. List recommended oral care interventions and associated evidence-based rationales.

1.0 Free CEUs for Respiratory Therapists

Expires 9/2017
Support by Halyard Knowledge Network